A day trip to North Bay the other weekend gave me the chance to do some more interior grassland birding! Our main stop was in and around Powassan where we took detours along some of the side roads to see what species we could find!
Common Yellowthroat |
We first stopped along a hedgerow, and were thrilled to see some breeding birds, none of them new for the year, but they are always a delight to see. These included Chipping Sparrows, Common Yellowthroat, Blackburnian Warbler, Chestnut-sided Warbler, Grey Catbird and Brown Thrasher! We were also able to hear an Indigo Bunting somewhere in the distance.
Chipping Sparrow |
Common Yellowthroat |
Chestnut-sided Warbler |
We carried on a little ways, away from the hedge row and more towards grassland/pasture, and found a number of other species! In the distance we could still hear the Indigo Bunting and a family of Eastern Meadowlarks, Turkey Vultures, and a Flicker calling from the yard of a nearby house. I always feel like I am going to be able to see more in grasslands, but birds are so nicely tucked away that most of my birding has always been by ear. I was lucky to have Bobolinks perching on a nearby fence and also some very curious Savannah Sparrows!
Bobolink |
Bobolink |
Savannah Sparrow |
Savannah Sparrow |
On our way home we ended up stopping for a number of turtles crossing the road, a common sight in the Georgian Bay area and especially common on roads that have no reptile fencing. If you see a turtle on the road, and it is safe to stop, please consider stopping and moving it across the road. It is important to move it in the direction that it is heading when you found it. If you come across fencing that has been broken and needs repair, take GPS coordinates and call the township to report it.
If Snapping Turtles make you a bit nervous, or if one is too large for you to carry, I suggest using a car mat. You can pretty easily convince a Snapping Turtle onto it and then slide it across the road!
Painted Turtle |
Snapping Turtle |
It seems like warm weather is finally here to stay this summer! Happy Naturing!
American Goldfinches |